Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey Dude Check Out Ma New SONY- NWZ W202!

Shakespeare had penned in Romeo & Juliet "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." Hmmm.......thought provoking indeed; does the mane really not matter?

Well what me thinking along this lane was a review of the new Sony Walkman & how it's gonna compete with the i- Pod. The features of the Walkman were quite impressive & probably it can give more than a nudge to Apple's position in market. But I believe, where it falls short against Apple is in the name. Let's just picture 2 college buddies running into each other, each immersed in his own world, heads jerking to music pumping from their respective devices. Well one jives in, " Hey Dude check out the new number I downloaded on my Pod" and what the other fellow say........."Oh yeah, I have got some great stuff on my NWZ - W202(?@?$?)." Now believe me, I had to google out the model's name before I could pen it down here, and one glance at the name wasn't enough. So, how cool did it sound Dude?

It beats my logical thinking process as to why would Sony come up with some name as such which sounds apt for some newly discovered DNA sequence. A simple understanding of Sony's target customer would put it plainly that the youth values these devices as much for their expression as for its basic utility. From saying "I Google" to "I love ma Apple", "I go for Dior..." , each of these is a way one expresses oneself.

I do agree, that when one buys a Television or a camera, what I say wouldn't hold true, but then that is exactly the point for the motive behind buying these ain't very similar to the thought process that goes on when u would buy an i-Pod or NW.......whatever.

See full size image

Keep it simple and stupid..........oh! how tough can it be! It will be interesting to see more competition in the world of music as no would benefit more from it than die hard music monks like me :-)

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